
Pope Francis Mourns Malta Journalist Daphne Galizia Who Was killed In A Car Bomb


Pope Francis is praying for the “eternal rest’’ of slain Maltese journalist, Daphne Galizia, and offered his sympathy to her family, the Vatican said on Friday.

“His Holiness, Pope Francis, offers prayers for her eternal rest, and asks you kindly to convey his condolences to her family.

“The Holy Father also assures you of his spiritual closeness to the Maltese people at this difficult moment, and implores God’s blessings upon the nation,’’ the pontiff told Malta Archbishop, Charles Scicluna.

Galizia, 53, was killed in a car bomb on Monday, metres away from her home.

The blogger and journalist was highly critical of government and opposition politicians in her country.

Her reporting in the wake of a massive document leak known as the Panama Papers in which two labour government figures were embroiled forced an early general election in June.

More recently, she accused conservative opposition leader, Adrian Delia, of making money from “a London prostitution racket,’’ a charge he denied.

Galizia last blog post, from Monday, ended with: “There are crooks everywhere you look now. The situation is desperate.’’

Her murder has caused international outrage and drawn attention to Malta’s shady politics.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has pledged to leave “no stone unturned’’ in the search for culprits. (dpa/NAN)

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