
Rep Member Gagdi Denies Calling For Tinubu’s Probe Over Subsidy Removal Savings 

Yusuf Gagdi, the chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Navy, has denied calling for probe of President Bola Tinubu over subsidy removal savings.

The lawmaker said in a statement on Sunday that the claims are not only mischievous but targeted at pitting him against President Tinubu. 

According to Gagdi, an interview he granted to BBC Hausa Service was twisted to convey the opposite of what he said about the Federal Government’s removal of fuel subsidy. 

The lawmaker recalled stating in the interview that it was imperative for the FG to remove subsidy on petrol because it was only enriching a few privileged and rich individuals to the exclusion of the majority of Nigerians.

Contrary to reports in some sections of the media, Gagdi said applauded the courage of President Tinubu in removing the subsidy and not budging in spite of pressures from some quarters for the reversal of the fuel subsidy.

He slammed the “sensational headlines” used in some news mediums for cheap clicks.

“Nothing can be farther than the truth in that news report,” the lawmaker said in reaction to the misrepresentation of his statement. 

“In the said interview which was in Hausa, I applauded the courage of President Tinubu in removing the subsidy and not buckling under in spite of pressures from some quarters for the reversal of the fuel subsidy.

“I also acknowledged savings from the subsidy and reiterated the need for prudent spending so majority of Nigerians can enjoy the dividends of the subsidy removal.

“However, I was taken aback at the sensational headline in which the media decided to couch the news item just for the clicks and gain traction.

“It is most irresponsible, reckless and designed to pitch (sic) me against our hardworking, committed President and his Renewed Hope Agenda.

“For the avoidance of doubt, as a parliamentarian and one of the longest serving ones at that, I have remained committed to my party, APC, its aspirations and most importantly the objective of President Tinubu to renew hope and make our country work again.

“Owing to the immense esteem in which I hold the president, I voluntarily stepped down from the Speakership race when I was directed to.

“Therefore, it is not in my character to use certain words or impute any motive concerning this administration that is working to elevate Nigerians out of poverty and make things work better for majority of our people.

“For the avoidance of doubt, here is the translation of my interview with the BBC Hausa Service: 

“I am one of many Nigerians who support the removal of fuel subsidy because I believe it is a form of theft. I swear that the subsidy is not doing any good for poor people of Nigeria.

“In the committee that I chair in the House of Representatives, I have learned a great deal about fuel subsidy. I know who is really benefiting from this subsidy, and it is not the Nigerian people. It is a small number of elites who are using the subsidy to amass wealth for themselves.

“I urge all and sundry to ignore the mischievous and blackmailing headline and urge media houses to be more circumspect while casting their headlines for the news.”

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